







In the United States, about 23,500,000 children ride school buses between home and school. That's about 55 percent of the K-12 population. When you multiply the daily ridership times the number of school days, school buses provide the United States with an estimated 10 billion student rides annually.


In 1939, delegates to the first National Minimum Standards Conference wanted a uniform color so school buses would be recognized by the same color nationwide. A second consideration was cost since manufacturers charged additional for special colors. +, delegates concluded that for safety sake, 黄色在雾中更容易看清, 雨, 以及其他恶劣的天气条件.

National School Bus Chrome Yellow was first adopted at that conference. By the way, the conference was held at Teachers College, Columbia University, April 10-16, 1939. All 48 states were represented, usually by someone from the state department of education. The group called itself the "National Council of Chief State School Officers," and H.E. Hendrix, State 负责人 of Public Instruction of Arizona, was the first president. In 1974 the federal government approved Standard 17. 在这个标准中, which has since been revised and is now a highway safety guideline, the federal government suggested that school buses should be painted National School Bus Chrome Yellow. That's when the states started to use yellow on all new buses. At present there is no federal law that requires school buses to be painted yellow. 这取决于每个州的做法. 一些州, 比如南卡罗莱纳, 给他们的校车涂漆, 在本例中,活动总线, white though the bulk of the state's fleet is painted school bus yellow.

What is the number of persons that can safely sit on a school bus seat?

Federal regulation does not specify the number of persons that can sit on a school bus seat. The school bus manufacturers determine the maximum seating capacity of a school bus. School transportation providers generally determine the number of persons that they can safely fit into a school bus seat. Generally they fit three smaller elementary school age persons or two adult high school age persons into a typical 39 inch school bus seat.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends that all passengers be seated entirely within the confines of the school bus seats while the bus is in motion. Federal motor vehicle safety standard No. 222, "School Bus Passenger Seating and Crash Protection" requires that the interior of large buses provide occupant protection so that children are protected without the need to buckle-up. Occupant crash protection is provided by a protective envelope consisting of strong, closely-spaced seats that have energy-absorbing seat backs. Persons not sitting or sitting partially outside of the school bus seats will not be afforded the occupant protection provided by the school bus seats.


According to the National Safety Council, school buses are the safest form of ground transportation. In fact they are about 40 times safer then the family car

The bus didn't show up on time for my child. How long should he/she wait at the stop?

Your child should arrive at the stop at least five minutes before the scheduled arrival time of the bus. If there is a substitute driver, the times may not be absolutely consistent with the regular times. If the bus is late ask your child to remain at the stop. 公共汽车抛锚, 道路堵塞, 司机生病或有紧急情况, but there will always be a bus at every stop. If the wait becomes extreme (approximately 30 minutes), for Regular Ed please call (562) 426-6176 and for Special Ed please call (562) 424-5195.

What should be done if there is a transportation-related problem after office hours?

拨打学校安全电话(562)997-8101. School Safety has a listing of contact telephone numbers for transportation supervisors and are able to contact those staff members required to handle any type of situation regarding school buses.

我的孩子是有特殊需要的学生. To whom should I speak concerning his transportation when he/she is ill and on vacation?

Please call Special Ed Dispatch at (562) 424-5195.

My child left a coat (glasses, instrument, retainer, books) on the bus. 他是怎么拿回来的?

Call Regular Ed Dispatch at (562) 426-6176 or Special Ed Dispatch at (562) 424-5195.